Planes, trains, car seats and exploding buggies

So after starting The Baby Loft  two years ago I finally decided that it was high time for a well deserved family holiday. After spending the last two years back & forth meeting families at the airport and not actually leaving the country myself it was definitely our time. So I booked a week away for us in Italy in the Tuscan hills. Not one to make life easy for myself I decided it would be good to also use the experience to again validate the Baby Equipment hire concept, so I decided to take my own buggy & car seat for Olivia. Ohhhh Myyyyyyy never again !!!

Travelling with little ones is a NIGHTMARE. Gone are the days when you stroll leisurely around duty free killing time.

Before even leaving Stansted my husband & I were hauled off by customs officials to be searched and questioned as our buggy has tested positive to having a trace of explosives !!!! I KID YOU NOT…. Apparently this is quite common with buggies as they are wheeled over all types of terrain etc but the stress induced by this did not make for a pleasant start to our travels. Added to this the fact that you have to go to a separate baggage belt for the car seat & remember to leave the buggy at the foot of the aeroplane in the hope that a steward will remember to “toss it literally (glad it was a Maclaren & not one of my iCandy or Phil & Teds) it into the baggage hold. Then upon landing locate everything from various places around the unfamiliar airport then try to balance baby, suitcases, car seats, buggys on a wonky wheeled trolley whilst trying to find a nice english speaking person to direct you to your hire car so you can get away from all of the madness. And I only have the one child……..

I have a renewed admiration for the families that travel with numerous children and mothers that travel alone with their little ones I SALUTE YOU !!

Never again will I travel with my own baby equipment I will hire, hire, hire. I am often told by my customers that my business is a fabulous idea and totally necessary, now I know it 100% for myself.

By the way, the holiday was fabulous just can’t wait until next year, now who can I hire from ????


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